How to Bubble Flip (with Images) – Skateboard Tricks

Funny name for a really fun trick if you are patient enough to let it come in your feet. We don’t wanna guess where this name come from and who did it first, but let`s just say it is so rare that even the skaters with impressive mileage are not really familiar with it.

This time we won`t compare it to any other trick and will start describing the steps from scratch. First, we need to understand that the Bubble Flip is done fakie and it can be very confusing so let`s check what is there to be done before you actually start rolling.

How to Bubble Flip on a skateboard

Regarding that you are going fakie you will do most of the trick with your back foot. Set your front foot on the bolts with your toes hanging off the board. Your back foot should be right after the bolts with only toes hanging on. Put your toes on the edge of the board just where the concave starts.

There is basically no pop needed for this trick so when you have your feet on the right spots, just press the back foot toes down and a bit backward so the board will start turning into a flip rotation. Don`t flip it all the way but stop it when you have it halfway. Basically when you see the bottom graphic just push it back up into kind of a Shove-it and catch it with your front foot. If you roll away it probably means you succeeded in the very first Bubble flip.

It sounds easy but you will have to do it very fast as you don’t really pop and you don’t have any hanging time available. There are some video tutorials out there that can surely help you understand the trick better but don’t get confused on the versions where they say you need to send the board back into kind of a Varial flip. It is sure an interesting trick but it is not a Bubble flip.
Now go out and add it to your trick bag!

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