Anti-Casper Flip is a trick that we don`t see around very often. It also has a pretty scary name, but it is basically a relatively easy trick to learn and with a bit of commitment it probably won’t take you more than one afternoon to get it right.
We will explain it in a few very simple steps and every average skater that can normally do Shove-its and Kick Flips will understand it and very quickly. It sure helps if you are familiar with regular casper flips but it is not necessary.
Your foot positioning is the same as with Kick Flip so take a comfortable speed and just pop into Kick Flip. Same as with Casper Flips you don`t let the board flip throughout but you kind of block it with your front foot just before it makes a half-flip turn. At the same time, kick the tail of a board with your back foot to go into Front Side Shove-it rotation and in most cases, it will naturally go down under your feet.
No matter if it doesn`t come instantly, after a few more tries you will start to feel it and you will land it perfectly before you will know it.
It is a trick fully worthy of your time and it will look sick if you combine it with ledge tricks in a street line.