How to Ollie North (with Images) – Skateboard Guidez

Ollie North or “one foot” or even “ollie one foot” as it was called back in the days is a really cool trick to pull on the streets and it`s the one that was time tested so many times,… It was done way back in the 80s` and got unpopular later, but still here and still super sick if you land it cleanly. Depending on what level your ollie is, it should be an easy trick elevation so you will have it pretty quick if you are dedicated enough!

How to Ollie North on a skateboard

Make sure your ollies are clean first. Once you can scrape a clean ollie at a decent speed, you can start focusing on Ollie North. Set your stance the same way you do for Ollies. It is all the same process but once you reach the peak of your pop just extend your front leg so that your foot is going forward, over the nose of your board.

The main difference between Ollie and Ollie North is that your front foot is not pressing the board down once you are in the air straight. You just extend your front leg forward like you are trying to kick something off your nose and the more you push your leg over the nose, the better it looks.

Even if the trick shouldn’t be a hard nut for a committed newcomer, there are still some adjustments you will need to practice. If you are kicking your front foot too hard, the board will go after and you won’t be able to land so keep in your mind that it sure looks better if the front leg is totally extended but don’t kick like it is your last day on earth. Start easy, just to see how it feels when extending a front foot over the nose, and then slowly, with each attempt try more and more until you get it perfect. It always helps if a friend can film you with a phone so you can see exactly where you are and what else to adjust.

Now take your board, hit the streets, and remember that the Ollie North over a street hydrant is an old-school classic!

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